Recently NSE received the final approval from SEBI to set up a social stock Exchange. It is a platform that allows investors to invest in certain social enterprises or social initiatives....
Recently, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, received the award. The award is named after the economist Michael E. Porter. The award is conferred to the Ministry with re...
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. It was established in 1985 under ECOSOC Resolution 1985/17. It is a body of 18 independent experts. The Commi...
It is an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women, and Youth advantage. It is done through the e-Transactions on the Government eMarketplace (GeM). It is under the ministry of Commerce...
Recently Aztec hummingbirds were found in India. They are native to the American continent. Their name means a ray of the sun. They can fly backward and there exist around 350...
Recently there has been commercial exploration of Lithium in Jammu and Kashmir. Now, Karnataka is looking up for similar possibilities regarding the lithium reserves in Mandya district....
They are large genus of flowering plants that are found mainly on the Eastern Himalayas, Western Himalayas and Nilgiris. They are recently in news since they have formed a carpet of themselv...
It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs It was established under the Companies Act 2013. It administers the Investor Education and Protection Fund. Its o...
It is a state-run organization set up under the Employee State Insurance Act of 1948. It comes under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. It provides for the socio-economic protecti...
Also known as the Treaty of the High Seas. Recently there has been a round of negation on the United Nations High Seas Treaty for conservation and sustainable use of marine Biological divers...
It was constructed from 1952 to 2010 and is the...
The European Commission granted a GI tag for Ka...
Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organi...
Recently, large deposits of 15 rare earth eleme...
It is the 2nd largest intergovernmental o...
India is set to have its first ever 3D-printed...
It was launched in 2017, by the Ministry of Cul...
It is an international network of laboratories...
Ramakrishna Mission was established by Swami Vi...
Bandipur has completed 50 years recently as a P...