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TNPSC   |   23 August 2021 06:44:26

Current affairs 23th August 2021.

Report: Third wave could peak late October

Key Points

Committee of experts was set up as per the direction of the Home Ministry, asking for a better preparedness for children who might be at high risk.

This study is titled as ‘Third Wave Preparedness: Children Vulnerability and Recovery’.

Study comprises details regarding the possibility of Covid-affecting children as well as required strategies to deal with pandemic.

Findings of the report

As per the report, “paediatric facilities such as doctors, staff, equipment like ventilators, ambulances, etc are much lesser than what may be required if a large number of children become infected”.

There are about 82 percent shortage of paediatricians in primary health centres along with 63 percent vacancies across community health centres.

It notes that, third wave is already there as the R value has increased from 0.9 to 1 as of now.

It called to prioritise vaccination among children with co-morbidities and to give special focus on children with disability.

Report underlined that those kids are vulnerable because they haven’t beThiren vaccinated. They are more prone to severe infections as they can pass the virus to others.

Report on second wave

According to report, about 60- 70 per cent children got hospitalised due to Covid had comorbidities during second wave of covid-19. It notes that low immunity among children was primary cause behind many developing Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome.